
Wolfe Publishing Group
    Handloader April - May 2025

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    Handloader April - May 2025

    This issue features: 360 Buckhammer Loads in a Henry Single Shot Rifle, Rim Rock Cast Bullets, 40 Smith & Wesson, The Day My World Exploded, and much more. 8x56 Mannlicher-Schönauer

    Online Exclusive Content


    218 Mashburn Bee Favorite Rifles & Loads

    Jeremiah Polacek

    In this series, we showcase some of our favorite rifles over the years and the loads that worked ... ...Read More >


    Hodgdon CFE Powders - Propellant Profiles

    Jeremiah Polacek

    In this video, we review Hodgdon Powder Company's CFE BLK, CFE Pistol, and CFE 223. In this Prope... ...Read More >


    223 Wylde Favorite Rifles and Loads

    Jeremiah Polacek

    In this series, we will showcase some of our favorite rifles over the years and the loads that wo... ...Read More >

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    Reloader's Press

    Howa Carbon Elevate 6.5 Grendel (Two Years Later)
    column by: Jeremiah Polacek

    I hesitated to write this article originally for many different reasons. At first, it was necessary to spend more time behind the rifle and test more loads. Then, it was because of an issue that reared its head during testing. Then, it was because I had not hunted or had enough field time behind the rifle. Before I knew it, I had been using this rifle extensively for well over a year, which is why this rifle is now the subject of this article. ...Read More >


    Propellant Profiles

    Shooters World Ultimate Pistol
    column by: Rob Behr

    If there is a sweet-spot powder for handloaders who are looking for efficient loads, Alliant Unique is a good example. Ask a Cowboy Action shooter what they are loading in their 38 Special single actions, and more than a few will say they choose Unique. They may also add that it has been hard to find lately. Shooters World is aiming to fix that with a Czech-made propellant they are calling Ultimate Pistol. ...Read More >


    Bullets & Brass

    Understanding 45-70 +P Pressures
    column by: Brian Pearce

    Q: I truly enjoy Handloader magazine and especially appreciate the insight and load information you offer for many different cartridges. I finally found a Ruger manufactured Marlin Model 1895 SBL chambered in 45-70 Government. This is my first rifle in that caliber. To date I have fired about 60 rounds of standard factory loads with the 300-grain JHP bullet and am really liking this rifle. I would like to load the cartridge to its full potential with heavier bullets, but I have read conflicting information about safe loads. Some sources list loads that far exceed the pressures found in my Speer Reloading Manual No. 14, which shows maximum loads with a pressure of 28,000 CUP. Is the Speer manual correct that handloads should not exceed their suggested pressure limits? What is your opinion on maximum load pressures? ...Read More >


    Cartridge Board

    26 Nosler
    column by: Gil Sengel

    When handloaders and hunters who began their careers in the 1950s and 60s hear the name Nosler, it brings only one thing to mind: the great Nosler Partition bullet. Conceived by avid hunter John Nosler, it consisted of two individual lead cores separated by an integral partition formed in the jacket between the two. The jacket wall thickness at the front was such that it allowed good expansion at normal impact velocities for cartridges at the time. ...Read More >

    Wolfe Publishing Group